Thursday, 24 December 2015

Electronics and Communication Engineering related Videos

Hi........Viewers here I am giving video links related to the Electronics Engineering.
Videos were demonstrated  by  My Friend Mallikarjuna Chinnapodamala.

To watch the videos go through the links.

1. Body Effect in NMOS


2. JFET Saturation Current 

3. Sampling with Nyquist rate at zero crossings


4. Why  Sky is blue, Clouds are white and Sun is in Red colour to know this click on the below link

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Best Apps avaialble in Windows Store I am giving some information related to the Best Apps in Windows Store.....You must try to install these Applications to get a better benefit.....Okay.

Shall we start........

First of all .......boost ups....

  • Although the Windows App Store lags behind the Play Store in terms of quantity, what counts with apps is the quality and so far Windows phones have the basic necessities covered. 
  • Windows Phone is not an open source platform and Microsoft has a stricter criteria set than Google about which apps and games can populate their respective marketplace.
  • Apps in Windows Store are consistent, gorgeous, minimalistic and in many cases, look better than they do on Android.
  • Best OS.....(Operating System)

From last four months I am using Lumia Phone....Based on My Experience....I am Suggesting  you to down load these Applications from Store.
1.Cam Scanner:    No need explain Image it self showing....


2.English Dictionary by Flow simulation Ltd:  Very user friendly Application. Vocabulary level also awesome.

 National Train Enquiry System....: to enquire about train status, and coming up trains to the particular station...and so many options available no need to step back go through this App.....


4. ixigo: Best App to check near by Restaurants and Hotels also Trains and Flights information.

5.Music Lovers:
  • gaana
  • Wynk music:
  • saavn

                   Image result for saavn
All are very nice. Wynk music  having more albums compared to gaana and Saavn especially regionals like Telugu, Tamil etc...
6.Video Lovers:
  • You Tube:
  • Tube VideoMate HD Downloader: To download the videos directly from YouTube....
7. News Readers:
  • News hunt: Best App for News it covers more than 80 % of News papers in India.
  • THE Hindu:
  • Microsoft News: Normally this is inbuilt App.....very informative News...
8.PhotoFunia: To Edit the photos or collage making etc. can carry using this App.

To make collage Use Photostatic collage App.....finally
in built Lumia creative studio also having ample amount of features......

9.Ringtone Maker: App name it self (Ringtone Maker) To cut the Mp3 song where ever you want very user friendly.
10.Torch pro:

11.Video Players:
  • Video Explorer:
  • VLC
12.To recharge you Mobile:
  •  FreeCharge: Best App for recharge your mobile ..easy on going...
  •  MobiKwik: To pay Current bill ,Telephone etc.etc...  
  •  PAYTM: Shopping also possible
I felt good in FreeCharge.........App....


13.Those who likes Journeys:
  • Olacabs
  • Uber
  • Taxi for Sure

14: Fitbit : 

Fitbit is a very nice App available in windows store also. Using this app Users could log their food, activities, water intake and weight, as well as track their fitness goals throughout the day even while offline.

15: Run the map: 

Run The Map is a route recorder for your outdoor activities (hiking, running, biking, etc.).I had a wonderful experience with this Application.  As a highway design engineer once I need to visit to rural road which having so many diversions. At that time I created a KML/KMZ file using Google earth  then I run that file in my mobile using this Application to track my main route. Best feature is it can track the Route in offline also.

last but not least  use this best app to make you as best in Knowledge  :


Thank you Guys
Any comments please mention below.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Random-General Knowledge

Britain - No President

Vishnu Dhanush-Parush Ram
Siva Dhanush- Sri Ram

Highest number of prisons: America (Around 17 lakhs)

PM Narendra Modi- first visit- Bhutan

Wi-Fi ( Wire less Fidility)

First Deputy Prime Minister- Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel ( Iron Man)

Mount Batten- Last Governor General -1947 March

National Unity day: Sardar Patel Birthday


National Youth Day

Salary of
President of India: 1.5 lakh per month
Prime Minister of India:1.6 lakh permonth

World Polio Day:24th October
  • Polio-Poli virus Poliomyelitis
  • Below Age-5
  • It chiefly spreads through faecal-oral route
  • It enters the Body Multiplies the Intestine
  • No cure for Polio:Only By Immunization

Current Affairs 2015 (The Begining)

Hi.....Friends.......Here some Current Affairs which happened in 2015.......
(Main Source: ( .....ok Shall we start......

Doyen(the most respected or prominent person in a particular field) of Two wheeler Industry-
Brij Mohanlall Passed away:(November -1-2015)

Brijmohan Lall Munjal was an Indian businessman, founder and the chairman of Hero Motocorp. He was among the top 30 richest people in India

Started first Bicycle manufacturing Unit:(Hero Cycles)
Next Two wheelers with a patnership from Japan based Honda ----So it was Hero Honda (Worlds largest Bike maker)
27 years they continued their partnership in 2011 Break up.

So Now only Hero.

Image result for hero motocorp

He got so many awards. Udyog Rattan Award, Punjab Rattan etc.

Apple Festival in Himachal Pradesh

Himachal state tourism department has launched an Apple festival to showcase and promote locally produced apples and apple made products among conducted various competition for farmers growing exotic varieties of apples, the festival also expected to promote horticulture industry in the state.Horticulture is major source of revenue for state, with Apple being Most important horticulture crop.

TRAI make mandatory for telecom operators to pay consumers by Rs 1 for call bead

TRAI:Telecom Regulatory Authority of India. Self governing controller of telecommunications busoiness in India.

Its main goal is to create and raise conditions for growth of telecommunications in India to enable the country to have a leading role for developing worldwide info society.

Rs 1 for call beads will be in effect from January 2016 , The payment is limited to three released call in particular day.

Operators has to intimate the details of refund of the amount though a Call or SMS.;base64,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
Call bead occurs after voice call is disturbed or disconnected before it is completed.due to bad network conditions environmental effects also.

Sultan of Johor Cup of Hockey:Malaysia

It is a yearly world wide hockey tournament under-21 .It is the only invitational junior hockey competition at international level.

Great Britain won the match  defeated by India  4-3 in un expected death penalties in 2015.
started in 2011 by State govt of Johor
India had good record in this tournament(reached 4 finals out of 5.)
6 teams:Australia, Argentina, India, Pakistan, Britain and host Malaysia.

Defence Research Development Organisation Missile Complex in Hyderabad has been renamed as Dr, A.P.J Abdul Kalam Missile Complex.

on the occasion of 84th birth (October-15-2015) anniversary in a ceremony presided by union defence minister Manohar Parikar.

Hyderabad Missile complex (brain child of Kalam Peoples President)

Adarsh Monument tag for Sun temple at Konark, Odisha 

Along with this three other monuments :
Hazadurai palace in Murshidabad (W.B)
Vaishali -Kolhura in Bihar 
Rang Ghar in Sibsagar (Assam)

At present 25 out of 3680 monuments under Adarsh Smarak Yojana.

By Awarding this tag: Central government gives special attention in order to boost international tourism.
Provides amenities wash rooms, Wi-fi. Connectivity drinking water, etc etc.

Konark Temple: It is a 13th century temple of Odisha built by narasimhadeva.It is also Known as black pagoda.

A salute to the man who designed the Tricolour: Pingali Venkayya

Pingali Venkayya

This year in the month of January , a statue of Venkayya was unveiled by the Urban Development Minister M. Venkaiah Naidu, in the forelawns of the AIR ( All India Radio) building Vijayawada.

Here some information related to Agriculture in India:

Two seasons:


Paddy(Rice) India's primary crop mostly in Kharif season
Wheat :second place Rabi season
Corn: Both seasons
Jowar: No need of irrigation
Bajra: food for Poor peoples

White Revolution: to increase Milk Production

Blue revolution: To increase Fish production

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Good news for this Good Day....Go through these.

Hi...Viewers Today  I am going to share some news which I read from India, Hindustan times, etc. ( Main Google News)

1. It's time to say goodbye to '0' and '+91' to dial STD numbers

Department of Tele Communications (DoT) given a new directive issue that is from now on wards   mobile phone or land line users will not need '0' or '+91' prefix to dial STD numbers. Instead, the users can press the mobile number on the dial button to reach their near and dear ones in any part of the country as there will be no differentiation between local and STD numbers.

Most of the top telecom service providers in the country have already implemented this service while the others are expected to follow suit soon. This new directive of DoT will bring India one step closer to full Mobile Number Portability. so wait for    Enjoy this service first....

 2. Good News for BSNL customers through UN-Used ..........

Subscribers of BSNL's pre-paid 2G and 3G services will get unused mobile Internet data added to their plans when they go for next recharge.

This facility has been available on BSNL network for both 2G and 3G mobile Internet plans but the same was stopped in February, the company said in a statement.

"This new facility will be applicable for all the GSM 2G and 3G pre-paid mobile customers of all BSNL circles across India," the statement said. To cash in on high demand for 3G services, BSNL is gradually introducing new 3G mobile Internet plans at prices lower than industry.

"BSNL recently introduced Rs 68 Data Special Tariff Voucher (STV) which allows 1 GB 3G Mobile Data for 10 days, never given by any other operator at this cheapest rates in the present market," the statement said.

The mobile data carry forward facility of accumulation of unutilised balance data usage in BSNL pre-paid plans will also be applicable for all the customers of normal data STVs and longer validity BSNL 3G data plan schemes.

"Quality of service and customer satisfaction is our top priority and transparency makes us different from other operators," BSNL Director for Consumer Mobility, N K Gupta said.

3. Top Selfies  that became famous quicly

     1.      Photo shows a statue of an Ottoman prince taking a selfie with a cellphone erected in Amasya, Turkey. The statue has met swift and violent criticism and just days after it was erected, vandals _ perhaps offended by disparagement of Ottoman history _ have hacked off the phone and the prince’s sword.

 2       Tourists take a 'selfie' picture as demonstrators burn a trash container during a May Day rally in Barcelona. really Crazy Selfie .......
3. This happened Recently in PM Modi China  visit: Indian PM Modi shot selfie with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang. This selfie retweeted and favourited by thousands on Twitter and received almost 32 million hits on Modi's chinese Weibio account. 

 4.      U.S. President Barack Obama poses with player David Ortiz for a 'selfie'
 5. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry taking a selfie with a baby elephant while touring the Sheldrick Center Elephant Orphanage at the Nairobi National Park, in Nairobi, Kenya.

 Good Night Guys.............

Friday, 27 March 2015

Family Life of Akhil Sharma, Wonder Kid in My State, Nobel man to Royal President..........

Hi Friends............ go through these updates......... after this refer  main Source

“Family Life”  got The Folio Prize 2015

Indian-American novelist Akhil Sharma’s novel Family Life has won the prestigious Folio Prize 2015.
His novel was among the eight shortlisted books from 80 fictional works and was chosen as the best fiction novel published in the United Kingdom in 2014.

How Much Time taken to Complete?......

Family Life is Sharma’s second novel and took him 13 years to write.

Tell Something about him…..
  • Sharma was born in Delhi and later in 1979 immigrated to US along with his family.
  • His first novel was An Obedient Father published in 2000. It has won the prestigious PEN/Hemingway Foundation Award in 2001.
  • His stories also have been published in The New Yorker and in Atlantic Monthly. These stories have been included in The Best American Short Stories and also in O. Henry Prize Collections.
  • In 2007, he was named as one of Granta magazine’s Best of Young American Novelists.

Tell Something about “The Folio Prize”

Established- 2014
Sponsored by the London-based The Folio Society.
Awarded to an author from any country for his English-language book of fiction published in the UK.
First recipient of the prize was American writer George Saunders for his short stories collection Tenth of December

2.To create records age won’t matter……….

Cherukuri Dolly Shivani  a two-year-old girl belongs to Vijaywada, Andhra Pradesh has created new record in Archery, and her name was entered into the India Book of Records.

How is it Possible.........?

  • She became the youngest Indian to score 200 points over five and seven-metre distances. At a show, she shot 36 arrows each from five metres and seven metres to score 388 points in the presence of senior sports personalities from Sports Authority of India (SAI) and India Book of Records officials.
  • After achieving this stunning feat, Shivani was presented with a trophy, medal and a certificate from the chief editor India Book of Records Biswaroop Roy Choudary.

Any Back ground to her…….?         Yes……. She had……….

Shivani is the kid sister of late Indian coach and international archer Cherukuri Lenin who had died in a road accident soon after 2010 Delhi Commonwealth Games. At a young age she is undergoing training at the Volga Archery Institute run by her father Cherukuri Satyanarayana.

3.Nobel man  as President to Royal Society: 

Nobel Laureate Sir Venkatraman Ramakrishnan has been confirmed as President Elect of the Royal Society. His appointment was confirmed by the society’s council met on 19 March 2015 and will assume the charge on 1 December 2015.

He will succeed eminent geneticist Sir Paul Nurse who had taken on the role in 2010 and will step down after the customary 5-year term.

Tell Something about him……….?
  • Famously known as Venki. He was born in Chidambaram in Cuddalore district of Tamil Nadu.
  • He holds B.Sc. degree in physics from Baroda University and Ph.D. from Ohio University, United States.
  • In 2003, he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society.
  • Ramakrishnan was knighted for services to Molecular Biology in 2012.
  • Louis-Jeantet Prize for Medicine (2007) and Padma Vibhushan (2010).

I don’t know anything about Royal Society……?

  • It is a self-governing fellowship society of the world’s most distinguished scientists drawn from all areas of science, medicine and engineering.
  • Established: 1660.
  • Purpose: To support excellence in science, and to encourage its use for the benefit of humanity.
  • The position President of the Royal Society is most important in British science and existed since 1660. The President of society is a key advocate for science in the UK and the world.

Dada Saheb Phalke to Shashi, E- Ration Card in Delhi and North East got some boost.............

Hi Friends............ go through these updates......... after this refer  main Source

1.Dada Saheb For  a Great film Producer: Shashi kapoor……..

Veteran actor and film producer Shashi Kapoor has been named for the prestigious Dada Saheb Phalke Award 2014. He is the 46th film personality to receive this honour.

Tell Something about him………?

  • He was born as Balbir Raj Prithviraj Kapoor on 18 March 1938 in Kolkata, West Bengal.
  • Shashi Kapoor had started his acting career at the age of four, by acting in the plays directed by his father Prithviraj Kapoor. Since then he has appeared in 160 movies altogether, 12 being in English and the rest in Hindi.
  • His best-known performances in Hindi are  ‘Jab Jab Phool Khile’, ‘Deewar’ and ‘Kabhi Kabhie’.
  • He is not only actor …. Assistant Director , Director and  Film Producer..

Some List………in terms of Awards……..
  • National Film Award for Best actor for the film New Delhi Times (1986),
  • National Film Award Special Jury Award / Special Mention (Feature Film) for Muhafiz (1993)
  • National Film Award Best Feature Film in Hindi (as Producer) for Junoon in 1979.
  • Filmfare Lifetime Achievement Award (2010).
  • Padma Bhushan (2011).

Tell Something about  Dadasaheb Phalke Award………….?
India’s highest award in cinema.
Established in 1969 to commemorate the birth centenary year of father of Indian cinema Dadasaheb Phalke.
The award is conferred annually by the Union Government to person for his lifetime contribution to Indian cinema.
Comprises a Swarna Kamal (Golden Lotus) medallion, a cash prize of 10 lakh rupees and a shawl.

2. India’s First E-Ration card  in India’s Capital.....…….

Delhi government has launched First E-ration card service in India. It was launched Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on 27 March 2015.

To reduce the corruption and increase transparency   this service will be Lineked with Aadhaar cards.
So many complaints are registered on Distribution of ration cards. So they planned Like this.

Main Points:
  • ·         Anyone having an Aadhaar card can apply online for this service.
  • ·         Even those who are waiting for an Aadhaar card can also apply for a ration card with the Aadhaar card number on the online slip.
  • ·         The print of ration card taken by applicant will be also valid like e-ticket.
  • ·         Those who do not have access to the Internet can apply at the office of their respective MLAs.

 You need Some more………..?

Delhi government Along with the E-ration card service, temporary Fair Price Shop (FPS)-licences are also Issued temporarily.  These licenses will be issued to around 25,000 FPS in Delhi. FPS are operated by private players to provide subsided food grains

3. North East got Some Boost…. Through First goods train…………..

First goods train from Lumding to Silchar in the North eastern state of Assam was flagged off by the Union Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu through video conferencing at a function in New Delhi.
One another important thing was our Beloved Minister Announced a cash award for those involved in Gauge conversion project with in the dead line

Energy Boosters
  • ·         The train was launched on 210 km Lumding-Silchar section rail line after the gauge conversion was completed at a cost of 3500 crore rupees.
  • ·         This line will provide connectivity to Barak valley of Assam with the rest of the country.
  • ·         210 km rail line consist of 28 stations, 4 halt stations, 79 major bridges and 340 minor bridges and 21 tunnels.
  • ·         After completion of this phase of project, Government is aiming to complete phase 2 project by March 2016 that includes gauge conversion of
  • ·         Badarpur-Kumarghat rail line of 118 km.
  • ·         Arunachal-Jiribam rail line 50 km.
  • ·         Baraigram-Dullabchera rail of 29 km.
  • ·         Karimganj-Mahishana rail line of 13.50 km that also includes Karimganj bypass.

Background Music…………..

Phase 1 and 2 of gauge conversion of rail line with total length 400 km in this region were sanctioned in 1996-97.
In 2004, these strategically crucial projects were declared National Projects in order to provide them uninterrupted funding in general budget

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Second Memorable Trip in Second Year of M.Tech

                         ................................Wonder Ful Tour............................
Finally The Memorable Trip Generated by Second year of M.Tech TEPians and Trip was Attracted towards India's Great Cities Mumbai, Bangalore and City of Palaces Mysore finally a Superb Hill Station nothing but Coorg in Karnatka.

Coming to the Tour Details....

Tour Designe & Execution done  by Akhilesh Chepuri one of My best Buddy in M.Tech life.Entire Plan Expeneses, Management what else everything done by him only.

Next Our Beloved faculty
1. Dr. G.J. Joshi Sir Intiated the Tour and best supporter for Student Enjoyments with Discipline.

2. Dr.Ashish Dhamaniya Sir Helped to get the Approval from Mumbai Metro, City Industrail Developement Corporation (CIDCO) Bhavan. and sir also spended time with us in Mumbai.3rd feb to 4th Evening.
Mumbai Metro Visit in Andheri Depo.
CIDCO Bhavan Visit in Bhelapur (CBD of Mumbai)

                                           Thanks to Our Super Seniors Who are working in CIDCO

3. Dr.S.S.Arkatkar Sir My Guide in Dissertation work helped toget the approovals from Traffic Management Centre in Bangalore, KSRTC and Mysore ITS. Sir also Spended twodays with us and enjoyed with TEPians during Bus Journey, sir was full happy with the Mysore ITS and Traffic  Management Centre in  Bangalore Activities.
Capture at Mysore ITS Control Centre 

`                                       Capture at KSRTC's Mysore Road Bus Stand
                                               Pic at Traffic Management Centre in Bangalore
Bus Bangalore.....

After these Industrial Visits. we went to Sight Seeing Places in Mysore we covered two only Mysore palace and Brindaven Gardens.
What a constructions yaar... really awesome...Brindavan Gardens Fountain dances. According to Music. nice attempt .

Still at Mysore Palace

Then Hill Station Coorg reached night 1 palce. entire forest area in middle Our Accomdationspot (JUNGLE MOUNT)  2000 Rs per head we paid  for three Events, food and Accomdation . Wonderful Events Day & Night Trecking, Kayaking and Water Rappling. Campfire Supero Super......

Water rappling

                           Camp Fire                                                             Kaya king With Akhilesh Chepuri

                                                        Near Accomdation room in Coorg

After that Experiences We Went to Wonderful La Wonderla in Bangalore.Full Fun & No way to think about Other thing Only Water Joys. What an events Yaar
Drop Down, Boomerang, Mixer, Wave pool, Rain Dance all are awesome.

TEPians are Ready for Drop Down.

 During Journey
Before Journey
After The Completion of  Wonderful rides in Wonderla

By 5:00 PM on 9-2-2015 tour was over .....

Some Miscellanious Activities Happened in Tour:

My Best BLU mate Mayakuntla Prasanna Kumar(M.Tech in Structures from R.V.College In Bangalore) meet at Mysore Road Bus Stand in Bangalore, and Other my Cool Buddies, Nanda Sekhar( Site Engineer), Ram Bharat(Quality Control Engineer) and Monish Rao (Site Engineer). at Bangalore City Junction Railway Station. Full Happy With these Meets......They are Like that only. Iam also......full Funny Talks.........Supero Super.....
After Two years  Capture with BLU mate