Monday, 21 January 2013


Sl No Reservoir Name Time FRL
Gross Capacity
As on 21/Jan/2013 As on 21/Jan/2012
(in feet)
Gross Storage
(in feet)
Gross Storage
Krishna Basin
1 ALMATTI 12:17 1705 129.721 1678.81 39.8 0 6593 1683.45 49.42
2 JURALA 12:17 1045 11.941 1044.78 11.79 437 437 1044.52 11.789
3 KC CANAL 00:00 957.99 1.2 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 KRISHNA DELTA SYSTEM 12:19 57.05 3.071 56.85 3.02 0 258 57.05 3.071
5 NAGARJUNA SAGAR 12:19 590 312.045 511.1 133.55 1193 7155 518.8 223.84
6 NARAYANAPUR 12:18 1615 37.646 1611.02 32.26 6167 7413 1613.2 35.27
7 SRISAILAM 12:18 885 215.807 862 112.46 0 931 853.8 129.68
8 TUNGABHADRA 12:19 1633 100.855 1611.02 37.23 0 3664 1612.4 40.05
9 UJJAINI 12:33 1630 117.24 1607.93 57.43 0 768 1623.89 96.62
Godavari Basin
10 GODAVARI DELTA SYSTEM 12:26 45 2.93 44.15 2.81 88806 8806 45.7 2.93
11 JAIKWAD 12:24 1522 102.732 1497.31 30.91 0 242 1507.71 53.54
12 KADDAM 12:30 700 7.6 684.875 4.285 0 50 0 0
13 LOWER MANAIR DAM 12:31 920 24.074 898.1 9.35 372 94 0 0
14 NIZAM SAGAR 12:20 1405 17.803 1390.22 4.13 0 109 1397 8.43
15 SINGUR 12:20 1717.93 29.91 1699.38 9.2 0 238 1715.26 25.51
16 SRI RAM SAGAR 12:23 1091 90.313 1074.3 38.08 0 6793 1080.6 54.103
Pennar Basin
17 KANDALERU 12:29 278.89 68.03 229.44 17.37 0 930 259.23 42.27
18 SOMASILA 12:28 330 73.898 295.25 24.76 407 4111 323.33 63.54
19 VELIGODU BALANCING RESERVOIR 12:32 868.5 16.95 847.87 7.93 0 0 853.72 10.11
Other Basins
20 VAMSHADHARA 12:30 125 0.612 109.9 0 212 212 122.21 0.3724
21 YELERU 12:29 284 24.1 279.92 21.65 105 1032 262.4 13.46



General Information: MAP 

    This district lies in the following river basins as below

S.No. Name of the Basin % of area covered
1 Krishna 58.60%
2 Pennar 41.40%

    The major amount of rainfall is during the South-West monsoon and / or North-East monsoon and the normal rainfall is 670 mm. The statistical data of the district Kurnool is as follows

1. Geographical Area 17658 Sq.Km
2. Population (2001) 35,29,494
3. Culturable Area 22.85 L.Acres
4. Forest Area 3.18 L.Ha.
5. Barren & Un Cultivable Area (2001) 0.99 L.Ha.
6. Land put to Non-Agricultural purpose (2001) 0.99 L.Ha.
7. Sown Area (2001) 8.18 L.Ha.
8. Irrigated Area (2001) 1.66 L.Ha.
9. Normal Rainfall (2003) 689.10 mm

    Following are the details of Irrigation Projects benefiting the district


    A. Major Projects:

Sl.No Name of the Project Ayacut Created Ayacut Utilised

in Acres in Acres
1. KC Canal 1,73,268 1,73,268
2. TBP LLC 1,51,134 1,51,134
3. Rajolibanda Diversion Scheme 1,312 1,312

Total 3,25,714 3,25,714

    B. Medium Irrigation Projects:

Sl.No Name of the Project Ayacut Created Ayacut Utilised

in Acres in Acres
1. Zurreru 1,514 1,514
2. Sanjeevaiah Sagar (GDP) 25,476 17,400
3. Varada Raja Swamy Gudi (VRSP) 10,298 10,298

Total 37,292 29,212

    C. Minor Irrigation Projects:

    4163 Schemes are existing benefiting an ayacut of 66,064 acres.


    A. Major Projects

    1. Telugu Ganga Project:

    The Velugode reservoir,a part of T.G. project is under construction, across the river Galeru near Velugode Village, Velugode Mandal to create a total IP of 131500 Acres in the districts of Kurnool (114500 Acres), Kadapa(17000 Acres). The estimated cost of the project in this circle including canals is Rs.827.49Crores and an amount of Rs 480.48 crores is spent and created an ayauct of 48000 Acres (03/2003).

    The inflows in to Velugode Reservoir 44.79 TMC comprises of 43.995 TMC of Krishna water and 0.802 TMC yield from the self catchment ofGaleri river on which the reservoir is constructed. 43.95 TMC of Krishna flows comprises of 15 TMC of waters intended to Chennai city drinking water supply and the balance 28.995 TMC flood flows of River Krishna for irrigating an extent of 2.75 lakh acres in Kundu and Sagileru basins.The quantity of 15.128 TMC of flood flows of river Krishna are proposed to be diverted to SPVBR for irrigation in Sagileru basin.

    2. Srisailam Right Branch Canal (SRBC):

    The SRBC Project is under construction across the Krishna River. The Project utilizes 19.00 TMC of the available water and the reservoir storage capacity is 308 TMC(Gross) and __________ TMC(Net).

     The off-take of Project is located near the Pothireddypadu village, Pamulapadu mandal, Kurnool District and is envisaged to irrigate a total ayacut of 1,90,000 acres in the Districts of (1) Kurnool (1,67,300 Acres) (2) Kadapa (22,700 Acres), in the 10 mandals.

    The estimated cost of the project is Rupees 1186 Crores (SSR of 1993-94 year) and the revised cost is Rs.1979 Crores( SSR of 2000-01 year tentative).

    As on 1/04 month of 2004 year total amount of Rs.1192 Crores has been spent since inception and an IP of nil acres has been created. The Project is programmed to be completed by end of 2007 year.

     The total land to be acquired is 19,636 acres and so far 16456 acres is already acquired and the balance is programmed to be acquired by2005-06 year.

     An amount of Rs.139.18 crores is provided for the year 2003-04 to provide irrigation to 1,60,000 acres and an amount of Rs.69.52 crores is spent as on 31.01.2004 and IP created/Ayacut stabilized is Nil acres.

    3.KCC Modernisation Project:

    The Kurnool Cuddapah Canal (K.C. Canal) was originally constructed by a Dutch Company during the year 1863 and 1870 as an irrigation and navigation canal. Subsequently the canal was sold to the British India during the year 1882. Navigation system was abondened during the year 1933 and the canal continued tobe a major irrigation source. The canal was left without any repairs till 1955.

    During the year 1955, the Government of Andhra Pradesh taken up renovation work of the canal from Km.0.000 to KM.120.000. Since then no major repairs have been taken up. Now to improve the efficiency of the system modernization of the entire canal and to repairs/reconstruct the structures is taken up by dividing the canal into various reaches with the joint participation of Government of

    Andhra Pradesh and J.B.I.C. (Japan Bank for International Cooperation).

     The project is under construction, with a an aim to stabilise entire ayacut KC Canal and to develop the gap ayacut of 60,000 acres .About Rs 600 crores is spent so for.

     4. T.B.P.HLC STAGE II:

    This scheme is the extension offstage I and contemplated to provide irrigation facility to221443 acres (Kurnool 11730acres).The estimated cost of the project is Rs.467.26 and an amount of RS 240 Crores is spent creating an IP of 116928(in Kurnool 11730). With NABARD assistance of Rs.45.8crores ,the works are in progress.

    B. Medium Irrigation Projects:Nil

    C. Minor Irrigation Projects :

    2 Schemes are under execution to benefit an ayacut of 1,495 acres in the following Mandals.

Sl.No Mandals No of Ayacut Estimated Programme

Schemes Contemplated Cost for
I I.B. Division, Nirmal

1. Peapuly 1 600 Acres 214 Lakh 6/2004
2. Yemmiganur 1 740 Acres 177.86 Lakh 6/2004


    A. Major Projects:

    1.G.N.S.S. Project:

     G.N.S.S. Project is intended to provide irrigation facilities to an extent of 3.25 Lakh acres(Rabi ID) in the districts of Cuddapah, Chittoor and Nellore besides providing drinking water facilities to villages / towns enroute the canal alignment.

     The scheme envisages drawl of 38 TMC surplus floodwaters of river Krishna from the foreshore of Srisailam Reservoir through S.R.B.C system upto Gorakallu Reservoir and thereafter through an independent flood flow canal to feed 9 Nos of storage reservoirs enroute and utilise the tored water for irrigation during Rabi season.

     Government in G.O.Ms. No. 202, Dt. 31-10-97 and G.O.Ms. No. 223, Dt: 4-12-97 have ordered to take up the construction of Gandikota Reservoir and its canal system immediately.

     Accordingly the work of construction of Head Regulator at Km 0.000 of G.N. Main Canal Below Gandikota Reservoir costing Rs. 325 Lakh is grounded. The foundation excavation work is completed and further work is in progress.

     The work of preparation of EIA, EMP, CAT and R&R action plan of GNSS entrusted to M/s Agricultural Finance Corporation, Hyderabad is completed and draft reports are under preparation.

    Detailed investigation of GNSS Main Canal below Gandikota Reservoir upto 18 Km completed and earthwork excavation estimates upto 12 Km are prepared. Land acquisition in the reach is pending with the Special Collector, Land Acquisition Unit, Telugu Ganga Project, Nellore. After finalisation of the land acquisition process tenders for excavation of the canal will be called for. The detailed investigation of Sri Balaji Reservoir to supply drinking water to Tirupathi town has been completed and administrative approval for formation of Sri Balaji Reservoir is sought for from the Government. The detailed investigation of G.N. Flood flow canal from Gorakallu to Owk Reservoir upto 35.50 KM is completed.

     The estimated cost of the project is about Rs. 3310 Crores as per the SSR of 1999-2000. The updated cost as per SSR 2001-02 is Rs. 3635.00 Crores. The project is under the control of Chief Engineer, Tungabhadra Project, Cuddapah.

    2.Guru Raghavendra L.I Scheme:

This Scheme envisages pumping of 504 TMC of Tunga bhadra waters at four places 1.Sugoor 2.pulichintha 3.Krishnadoddi4.Mugaladoddi, to irrigate40000 acres in Rabi and 10000 acres in Kharif

    3. Veligonda Project :

The project is proposed to construct across the river Krishna at Rajiv Tiger reserved Forest Village, Atmakur Mandal of Prakasam District at an estimated cost of Rs.979 Crores to create an IP of 438000Acres in the districts of Prakasam ( 336100 Acres), Nellore ( 16500 Acres) and Kurnool ( 25400 acres). The detailed Investigation of the Project is completed / in progress and programmed to be completed by _____month,___ year. The required clearances and Land Acquisition are expected to be completed by _______year.

    B.Medium Irrigation Projects:NIL

    C. Minor Irrigation Projects:

3 Schemes are contemplated for benefiting an ayacut of 1891 acres.

Sl.No MANDAL No.of Schemes Ayacut Contemplated Estimate cost in Crores Programme for Completion
1 Gudur 1 618 Acres 177 Lakh 6/2005
2 Krishnagiri 1 618 Acres 140 Lakh 6/2005
3 Kouthalam 1 655 Acres 110 Lakh 6/2005


183 Works Rs 28.51



Rs 19.708 Crore

14 Works Rs 2.92 Crore


     60 No of schemes, costing Rs.201.28 Lakhs are proposed to be taken up under SCP to benefit an ayacut of 806 acres.


Sl.No Project Source of Funding BE Expenditure
1 Srisailam Dam World Bank
Rs 24.191 Crore
2 SRBC World Bank
Rs 119.77
Rs 58.33
4 TGP State
Rs 19.37 Crore

Monday, 7 January 2013


Dam Safety: Stability and Rehabilitation of "Smaller" Gravity Dams
Gravity dams about 100 feet high and smaller often require special considerations when evaluating stability and rehabilitation of these structures. Three case histories are presented that illustrate some of the unique challenges in the stability evaluation and upgrading of these dams.

By Gregory S. Paxson, David B. Campbell, Michael C. Canino, and Mark E. Landis

This article has been evaluated and edited in accordance with reviews conducted by two or more professionals who have relevant expertise. These peer reviewers judge manuscripts for technical accuracy, usefulness, and overall importance within the hydroelectric industry.

For many, the terms “gravity dam” and “concrete dam” conjure images of large structures, such as the Hoover and Grand Coulee dams. However, most masonry and concrete gravity dams in the U.S. are much smaller structures. According to the National Inventory of Dams, 90 percent of gravity dams categorized as high or significant hazard structures are less than 100 feet tall.1

Design features common to large gravity dams often are not incorporated into these smaller structures. For example, many smaller dams do not include foundation drainage systems. In addition, large dams in steep canyons typically are keyed into bedrock at the abutments, while for smaller structures the non-overflow sections may only extend a limited distance beyond the original ground surface and many times are not abutted into sound rock.

Geologic investigations and methods for stability evaluation often are less rigorous and complex for smaller structures. The behavior of larger dams necessitates a better understanding of the foundation conditions and a more in-depth analysis of the performance of the structure under various loading conditions, including finite element and deformation analyses. This article discusses the stability analysis and rehabilitation of smaller (less than 100 feet tall) gravity dams.

Gravity dam stability analysis

The most common failure mode for gravity dams is sliding or overturning along or beneath the dam/foundation interface.2 Stability analysis for gravity dams often is simplified into a two-dimensional rigid body analysis of a cross section of the structure (see Figure 1) and is focused on stability against sliding. In this analysis, overturning of the dam is considered within the context of its potential influence on sliding. Overturning tendencies express themselves through development of tensile stresses at the heel of the dam. In these cases, sliding stability is analyzed considering a cracked base, which reduces sliding resistance. While the gravity dam stability analysis often is simplified to evaluate failure along the base, it is important to consider kinematically feasible failure mechanisms along joints, foliations and bedding planes or within the rock mass.3

In addition to failures through the foundation and along the dam/foundation interface, the stability analysis should consider failure through the dam, commonly along horizontal construction joints. This “partial section” analysis usually is performed using the same methods applied to the stability evaluation of the entire structure.

Guidance documents for the evaluation and design of gravity dams have been developed by U.S. agencies that own or regulate dams, including the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Bureau of Reclamation, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. In Canada, the Canadian Dam Association and BC Hydro provide similar guidance for the evaluation of gravity dams.3,4

 Material properties

The selection of physical and mechanical properties of the dam and foundation are critical to the stability evaluation of a gravity dam. Unit weight of the concrete or masonry is a key component of the analysis. Estimates of the shear and tensile strength of concrete in the dam can be estimated from laboratory testing of representative samples and/or using available guidance documents.4,5,6

The shear strength along the dam-foundation interface or through the foundation is probably the most important parameter to define. Shear strength is comprised of the friction angle and cohesion of the material(s) or interface. Typical shear strength values are available.6,7,8 Friction angle often is estimated using material testing and/or correlation with empirical data for similar materials. Estimating cohesion (or adhesion along the base of the dam) is more difficult, and the selected value has a significant effect on the stability analysis results. FERC recognizes the difficulty in accurately defining cohesion along the base of the dam and provides alternate requirements for stability if cohesion is not relied upon in the analysis.9

Loading conditions and safety factors

Most regulatory agencies, including FERC, categorize loading conditions as “usual,” “unusual” and “extreme,” and the required safety factor increases with the probability of a given loading condition. Typical loading combinations to be considered include normal operating conditions (usual), flood discharge loading (unusual or extreme), loading from ice (unusual) and earthquake forces (unusual or extreme).

The stability analysis for flood conditions should consider a range of floods to identify the combined reservoir (headwater) and tailwater loading that results in the lowest safety factor. The largest hypothetical flood, or probable maximum flood, is not always the most critical flood loading scenario.

As noted earlier, FERC guidelines allow a reduction in the required safety factor if cohesion is not considered in the analysis. For example, the minimum required safety factor for normal operating conditions is 3.0 if cohesion is included but otherwise only 1.5.

Uplift forces within the dam, on the base of the structure, and within the foundation rock mass are important in stability evaluations. For structures without an internal drainage system or other special features, and with fairly uniform foundation conditions, it is typical to assume that uplift varies linearly from full headwater at the heel to full tailwater at the toe of the dam. For dams with a drain system, reduction in these pressures should only be allowed when it can be verified that the drain system is effective.

Cracked section analysis

The gravity method of analysis requires that the resultant of all forces acting on the dam lie within the middle one-third of the base to avoid tensile stresses at the heel. When the resultant lies outside the middle one-third, tensile stresses are assumed to develop along the base of the dam. Most regulatory agencies (including FERC) require a cracked section (or cracked base) analysis when tension develops at the heel of the dam. Full uplift is then assumed to act on the cracked section of the base (except under seismic loading, where full uplift is assumed not to develop due to the rapid cycling from seismic loads), and the analysis is revised to reflect this modified uplift distribution, with cohesion, if considered, acting only along the uncracked portion of the base.

Most agency guidance suggests an iterative approach to the cracked section analysis for static loadings. However, the crack length and reaction pressure at the toe of the dam can be solved explicitly.10,11 For earthquake forces, the crack length can more easily be computed.

Rehabilitation of gravity dams

The most common methods for rehabilitation of gravity dams that do not meet stability criteria include buttressing or anchoring. Buttressing consists of adding mass to the downstream portion of the structure to resist sliding. This can be accomplished using conventional mass or roller-compacted concrete. High-capacity post-tensioned rock anchors have been used to stabilize gravity dams since the 1960s, with more than 300 dams in North America being anchored.12 Vertically installed post-tensioned anchors add normal force, increasing the sliding frictional resistance and preventing the development of tension at the heel of the dam. Anchors installed at an angle will provide additional sliding resistance by directly offsetting applied horizontal forces, but installation can be more costly than vertical anchors.

Gravity dams with inadequate spillway capacity can be allowed to overtop during extreme floods, provided the dam meets stability criteria under the flood loading conditions and overtopping flows can be shown not to erode foundation support from the toe of the dam or abutments.

For many smaller gravity dams, the non-overflow sections do not extend to bedrock at the abutments but are simply buried in the earth abutment (see Figure 2). This typically is acceptable, provided the fill materials are satisfactory and the spillway can pass the design flood without overtopping the non-overflow sections or abutments. If these sections do overflow, there is potential for erosion and failure of the earth abutment, resulting in a potential dam failure or loss of reservoir. In some cases, these dams have cutoff walls that extend further into the abutments than the gravity section. However, these walls typically are intended to reduce abutment seepage rather than prevent erosive failure from overtopping. Dams lacking non-overflow sections that tie into bedrock abutments may require modifications to prevent overtopping or erosion of the earthen abutment.



Objectives/Functions of the Organisation:

The objective of this unit is Operation and Maintenance of Dam and to provide Irrigation facilities and drinking water supply through AMRProject.

. Schemes and Programmes undertaken by the HOD with details: 


The Dam is constructed in stone masonry and concrete to a height of 143.26 Metres and to a length of 512 Metres. It is designed as Gravity Dam. Slight curvature with a radius of 10,930 M is given to improve the sliding stability resistance. The Dam is built in 22 blocks with contraction joints with spillway in deep river course and with non over flow section on the flanks. The spillway is provided with 12 radial gates for impounding the water and for flood regulation. The reservoir was built up to its Full Reservoir Level (FRL) + 269.75 M (885 Ft) in 1985 and the spillway is in operation since then onwards. The reservoir has a present storage capacity of 7465 M. Cum (263 TMC) at FRL as per 1997 Hydrographic survey.

The project provides water for generation of 770 MW of Power in 7 units of 110 MW each from Right side Power house and 900 MW in 6 units of 150 MW each from Left Side Power House. The power units on Right side flank and Left side flank are being maintained by APGENCO. Since inception of the Project, the Power generated from Left and Right flank Power Houses is 64,763 Million units (up to 31-03-2007).

B) AMR Project (SLBC):

Nalgonda is one of the backward and endemically drought prone districts of Andhra Pradesh State in India . The rainfall is low and erratic and does not sustain crop. Worse than that, the ground water table is not only low, but also highly polluted with fluorides and the ground water containing 1.5 to 4.20 PPM of fluoride in certain parts of district, has become unfit for human consumption and cattle population. Many people and cattle are affected with fluorosis for which there is no treatment. The people of the area agitated on the problems with a demand to provide safe drinking water. There are no other water resources for providing drinking water and irrigation facilities to these areas, except diversion of waters of mighty Krishna River flowing for a length of 85 kms in southern boundary of the district.

In view of the above, the Srisailam Left Bank Canal Project ( presently AMR Project ) was contemplated in 1983, to provide irrigation facilities in drought prone areas of Nalgonda District for 3 lakh acre (I.D), besides supplying drinking water to the fluoride affected villages enroute, utilizing 30 TMC of Krishna Water. This scheme has two alternatives.
Gravity scheme from foreshore of Srisailam Reservoir, through two Tunnels.
Lift scheme from foreshore of Nagarjuna Sagar Reservoir.

The works on main canal from common point (i.e., km 25.000) were taken up during 1983-84, pending finalization of Head Works.

In April, 1995, the Government decided to take up Lift Scheme from the foreshore of Nagarjuna Sagar Reservoir, to achieve early benefits, as the Tunnel Scheme would require 7 to 8 years time for its completion.


The scheme contemplates lifting of water at two locations from foreshore of Nagarjuna Sagar Project Reservoir and envisages to provide irrigation facilities to an extent of about 1,09,250 hectare (2.70 lakh acre of I.D.) land in 21 Mandals of Nalgonda District, beside providing drinking water to 516 fluoride affected villages. The High Level Canal runs at an elevation +233.000m and the Low Level Canal at +177.700m. The High Level Canal provides irrigation for 2.20 lakh acre, while the Low Level Canal covers 50,000 acre


(i) Head works: The Head works of High Level Lift Scheme such as Approach Channel, Cistern, Link Canal and Akkampally Balancing Reservoir(AKBR) including commissioning of 4 Pumps of 18 MW (25,000 HP) having a discharging capacity of 600 Cusecs each are completed.

(ii) Main Canal: The Main Canal from AKBR i.e. KM 23.20 to confluence of Musi Reservoir ( KM 136.150) is completed. The works on Ujdayasamudram Tank are almost completed except erection of Gates for Surplus weir, which is in progress.

(iii) Distributories/ Irrigation Potential: The works on distributary system for an ayacut of 72,500 acre were taken up under normal departmental system (Non-EPC) and the works of distributory system for balance ayacut of 1, 47,500 acre were taken up under EPC system in 4 packages. The works on distributary system are completed up to sub-minor level for an ayacut of 1, 10,000 acre.


The main aim of Low Level Canal which runs at + 177.70 M contour is to draw water by gravity, during flood season and to lift water by means of 3x4 MW pumps during non flood season from foreshore of Nagarjuna Sagar Reservoir, to irrigate an ayacut of 50,000 acre in Nalgonda District. The total length of Canal is about 85 KM.

The works on Main Canal up to km 27.000 including Approach Channel, Head Regulator are completed, except 2.00 km where construction of two major aqueducts are in progress. The balance works on Low Level Canal including Pumping station are grounded in three packages under EPC system and they are in progress.

It is proposed to create IP of 50,000 acre under this canal by Kharif, 2009.

Sprinkler Irrigation using Bauer Rainstar equipment:

The Government have decided to take up at least two pilot projects on Sprinkler/Drip Irrigation. Accordingly, the Sprinkler Irrigation is proposed in AMR Project as a Pilot Project to assess actual savings of water and to know the efficiency of the system. A meeting with the farmers of Pothunur (V) and Madaram (V) was convened, to convince and to take up Sprinkler Irrigation as a Pilot Project in their lands. The agreement was concluded with M/s BAUER, an international leading company, for supplying and erection of 12 units of Bauer Rainstar equipment, at a cost of 1,41,824.92 Euros (approximately Rs 79.00 lakh) for irrigating 694 acre. All the works for erection of equipment were completed and all the units were commissioned on 20.12.2006 and the departmental Engineers are trained by the Engineer of the firm. Ground nut crop is raised in 300 acre in the above area in Rabi 2006, by running 8 Units of Rainstar equipment. The Rainstar units worked successfully during the above crop period.